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Max // LBCC Founder

Our motto "Le vélo c'est la vie" (Cycling is life) is for me more than just a click word. Although these few words may amuse at first reading, I think they go beyond the field of practice and lean more towards poetry.  Cycling for me is more than just a "hobby": it is a way of being in the world.

Looking back, I realize that I have spent more than half of my life on, or at least close to, a bicycle saddle. Indeed, as far as I can remember, the bicycle has played an important role in my life. Born in Montreal of cycling parents, from childhood it rhymed as much with pleasure as with travel. Tour de l’île, a stroll in the Botanical Garden, Parc Jeanne-Mance or simply a walk in the neighbourhood, I quickly realized the importance of this sport. In adolescence and early adulthood, everything is done by bike: Cégep, gym, bars, then university, odd jobs, etc., I develop a real passion for everything that this practice implies.

Simple on the surface, I had the opportunity to discover all its beautiful complexity, both mechanically and as a sporting experience after several years in the world of cycling in a store. This passage also allowed me to meet the team that forms Le today and it is since then that I consider the practice as a community and aesthetic gesture. Remember that the important thing is not to be good, but to be beautiful, together. 

It is therefore with renewed pride that I share a feeling of love for this project and for all those who participate in it: #levelocestlavie.

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